Pride! Unity! Love!

THE CAPITAL CITY MEN’S CHORUS presents Pride! Unity! Love!”

Please join the men of the Capital City Men’s Chorus,
as we present our season 27 Spring concert: Pride! Unity! Love!

This year’s show will be ONE performance only, so get your tickets early! We are proud to be able to return to the wonderful stage of the McCallum Fine Arts Academy Theater, at 5600 Sunshine Drive Austin, Texas 78756.

Our annual Spring concert is always a fan favorite and this year’s show promises not to disappoint. We are proud to say that we have been entertaining Austin audiences for 27 years and are still going strong! The faces may have changed, or grown older, but the quality and showmanship, which the Austin community has come to expect from the CCMC, has never been better! This year’s show, Pride! Unity! Love!, invokes a remedy and respite from all of the not-so-nice things, which come across our newsfeeds on a daily basis. Escape all of the hectic hustle and bustle of the daily grind and come with us to a beautiful place, filled with music and sung as only the men of the CCMC can! This year, the CCMC is proud to announce that we will perform the Austin premiere of the musical adaptation to one of Maya Angelou’s most well-known poems: “Still I Rise”.  We will be joined on this number by Ms. Carolyn Montgomery-Forant, who, along with her co-composer, Mr. Jeff Cubeta, have taken a stirring piece of poetry and created a melody that vitalizes the spirit and sets the soul free! From some of the most beautiful love songs ever written, to songs from some of Hollywood’s biggest blockbusters, this concert will have something for everyone!

We look forward to seeing you at the show!

Get Tickets Here

2016 Spring Concert Poster Final